At Hamersley Family Chiropractic we provide you with the highest quality chiropractic care, which will consist of specific chiropractic spinal adjustments (adapted to your needs), soft tissue therapy and dry needling.
Our chiropractic spinal adjustments range from very gentle and low force, to strong and manual, and our selection of adjustments will depend on your preferences and what is needed for you at the time. Feel free to chat to us about what may work best for you.
Our soft tissue therapy and muscle release allows us to release tight muscle groups around the areas we will be adjusting and is incorporated into your session.
Our dry needling is another modality we can use to assist with your healing and progress. Dry needling is a form of muscular therapy which uses very fine needles to release deep bands of muscular tension and dysfunction. It works very well in conjunction with spinal adjustments to aid in your recovery.