Back pain is never nice…
But it is necessary! Our pain response is the clever way our brain can alert us to the fact that we have an underlying issue. So we can be thankful for that! But when this pain response is ignored or silenced, it becomes more persistent, and before you know it you have gone from having back pain or a headache flare up once a month, to now having it daily! Not a great place top be for anyone!
Thats where your family chiropractor comes in! Hamersley Family Chiropractors are highly trained and educated in finding and diagnosing the cause of your pain, so we can formulate a plan to not just decrease the pain, but to fix the source of the issue!
We are here to help! You may be experiencing lower back pain, headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, ankle or foot pain, or chest pain. They all have a cause, don’t forget that! We are here when you are ready!