Why should you consider dry needling to assist with lower back pain?
Ok, so you might be visualising a bunch of small needles in your back right now but honestly, don’t dismiss it until you try it!
If you have experienced lower back pain you would agree that it is hard to continue with your daily life when you have this musculoskeletal pain just screaming out and sucking all of your focus.
Before you think, nothing ever helps. Let us share some light on dry needling.
Some quick facts;
The term “dry” needling means that there is no injection or medicine involved.
The needling is placed directly or closest to the source of pain, making a difference much quicker than other forms of therapy.
Dry needling is ok to be utilised with your Chiropractic treatment or used on it’s own.
Our Chiropractors have completed additional training to acquire the appropriate accreditation to practice dry needling. We promise it was not a certificate from the back of a cereal box!
Dry needling is not acupuncture, there are some similarities such as the use of the same needles. Dry needling only treats musculoskeletal pain.
Chiropractors use dry needling to support and further release tension in the muscles as another form of natural healing and wellness. Dry needling allows the practitioner to go deep into the muscle tissue and stimulate the nerves to release the horrid tension you feel in your lower back.
To get all technical on you now, myofascial trigger points are a hyper irritable spot within a taut band of skeletal muscle, or what you might commonly refer to as a “knot”. This “knot” is where your pain is likely referring from, it can cause a reduced range of motion and an overall decrease in your mobility. This manual technique, will target and treat trigger pain related back pain. Essentially, it is de-activating that knot and hopefully in turn improve range of motion, function and decrease pain.
Hopefully we have helped ease any concerns you may have had regarding dry needling but if we haven’t then get in touch with any additional questions as we’re a helpful bunch and will do our best to help. However, if you’re ready let us help you at Hamersley Family Chiropractic and book today!